Parents and/or guardians are encouraged to participate in Allentown’s Gator Aide Program which meets on Wednesday mornings from 9:00 - 10:00 in the PTO portable. Volunteers assist with projects for teachers such as scrapbooking, trimming laminated items, cutting and sorting Box Tops for Education, etc. This is a great way to be involved in your child's school.
All volunteers must adhere to the guidelines concerning “school visitors” as well as the following:
1. Instructional time in the classroom must be strictly protected
2. Appropriate dress is required
3. Use of cell phones in the classroom or hallways is prohibited
1. Cutting and sorting Box Tops for Education.
2. Cutting and sorting Campbell Soup Labels 4 Education.
3. Serve monthly birthday cupcakes during lunch times.
4. Assist with small jobs for our teachers such as cutting out laminated items for their classrooms.
5. School beautification projects.
6. Assist with special school functions such as school picture days.
What you need:
1. An interest in volunteering with your child in school
2. Time that you can give on occasion
3. Enjoyment of working with children
4. Patience and a sense of humor
5. Willingness to work on simple projects and take direction from others
6. Ability to attend special events or volunteer at school functions
7. A talent that you are willing to share
8. Reliability and commitment when you sign up for a volunteer opportunity
1. All volunteers must sign in and wear a volunteer name tag.
2. Be reliable and fulfill your commitment.
3. NEVER interrupt class instruction.
4. Be neat in appearance, wear appropriate clothing.
5. All information is confidential and should be treated professionally.
6. ALL work is to be completed on school property, this includes but is not limited to the counting and sorting of soup labels, box tops, can tabs and any other items that may need to be recorded.
7. When in doubt, ASK. Please see any Children First PTO officer with any issues regarding the guidelines or policies.
8. All cell phones must be on vibrate or silent, if you need to take a call, step outside of the building.